Business Essentials #120416 – Surrounding yourself

Good morning

Who you allow to be part of your day each and every day can determine for the most part how successful your business life will become.

What actions you choose to undertake each day will determine how successful your business life will become.

So how do you choose who to surround yourself with and who can you trust. We have found in our experience that the people you surround yourself with require in the main four qualities.

  1. Self awareness – As you are in business, your business must naturally grow or it will end at some point. So the people in your business world must be self- aware as you must be. This provides you perspective on what is important, it provides you people who are looking to continually improve; great company.
  2. Truthfulness – You need people around you who are prepared to tell you the truth about your plans, the vision, your strengths, your weaknesses. They must care enough about you to tell you the truth.
  3. Respect – If you are not respected by those in your circle, you have surrounded yourself with the wrong people. Respect is the single most important connection point between you and your circle of influence members.
  4. Drive – Getting through every day, taking the hits as a business owner, riding the highs, the moderate times and the lows takes its toll on every single person who enters then arena of business ownership.  Drive in those closest to you will help you when you are falling behind and help drive them when you are flying.

Just a thought from me to you – one mans opinion